Sunday, November 14, 2010

I've been enjoying season one (1969) episodes of SCOOBY-DOO WHERE ARE YOU? Above is one of my SCOOBY inkings...over pencil art by SCOOBY-DOO character designer, IWAO TAKAMOTO.


  1. Im really happy I found your blog! I love retro/vintage style cartoons and artwork, ...and your amazing at it! allot of inspiring stuff here.

  2. Im really happy I found your blog! I love retro/vintage style cartoons and artwork, ...and your amazing at it! allot of inspiring stuff here.

  3. What do you ink with? A brush pen I assume but which kind. Also what DPI do you scan at?

  4. Glad you like my work and the blog...I appreciate it! I use a Winsor-Newton Series 7 #3 sable brush...and various pens...Rotrings and Rapid-o-graphs.
