Friday, October 05, 2012


Enjoying THE HONEYMOONERS!  Love this comic book with the Jack Davis wrap-around cover!  My pal, Vince Musacchia, did a great job illustrating the adventures of Ralph Kramden and Ed Norton...and their wives, Alice and Trixie!  8^)

1 comment:

  1. You've always been one of the most generous and fraternal people I've ever met in the cartooning field, Patrick. Thanks for this wonderful mention, it's much appreciated. I'll never forget the day that Jack Davis' cover art for this issue was brought to my studio. The original was created in Silver Age size, so it was huge! Even more impressive was its beauty. When my partner, the late Ron Merians delivered it for me to review he said that he was concerned with the fact that Jack Davis had spelled "Nathan's" incorrectly. We had permission from the company to use their logo, bit I guess that info was lost in the initial back-and-forth. Jack being a member of MAD and a co-hort of Kurtzman & Co. for so long thought that it was best to change things like corporate logos, especially for use in comic books. So Ron looked at me with worry on his face and asked if I could revise the Nathan's logo to better match it, I said I'd never touch another artist's original art without their expressed permission. Well, one phone call to Jack Davis later, and with the great cartoonist's blessing I set out to revise the logo. I can't tell you how proud and nervous I was at the same time while working on that small correction. God Bless Jack Davis and God Bless you, too Patrick for reminding me of this wonderful experience.
