Just wanted to thank everyone who sent birthday wishes to me today! If you called, e-mailed, posted a HAPPY BIRTHDAY comment on my MySpace or Facebook page, sent a card or a gift...I really appreciated it! Once again, I had a terrific birthday this year. It was great celebrating with family and friends! Thank you!
My birthday isn't until tomorrow, the 29th, but Leslie and I got together last night with a few friends to celebrate my birthday and have dinner at Stanley's in Sherman Oaks, CA. It was great seeing everybody again and we had a great time! Here's Leslie and I last night. Thank you, Baby, for putting together a wonderful evening...I love you! Here's a few of my former Warner Bros. Consumer Products co-workers and good friends, (standing left to right) DAVID COHEN and MIKE FONTANELLI. (Seated left to right) MARK CHRISTIANSEN and myself. Mike and Mark are both terrific cartoonists! David was a member of WBCP's Brand Assurance department.
Cartoonist EDDIE FITZGERALD (left) came along with MIKE to wish me a Happy Birthday! Thanks, Eddie! Here's MARK's wife, ANNETTE, with MARK and I. It was great to see friends, EMILY and ERIC SCHWARTZ! My pal DAVID COHEN enjoying his iced tea! I'm very happy that our great friends, LAUREN DiCOCCO and LON BROWN, were there to help me celebrate! Lauren's husband, PAUL, and Lon's girlfriend, JODI, were unable to make it to the dinner. Leslie and I hope to see them again soon! Thanks to everyone for coming and for a fun evening!
From my files...here's TOTAL TELEVISION's COMMANDER McBRAGG. I did this for the UNDERDOG / TOTAL TELEVISION style guide. Be sure to scroll down and click on my eBay auctions link in my LINKS section. I've got a lot of original cartoon art currently listed! Hope everyone has a great weekend! You can e-mail me at powsley@flash.net. Thanks! - Patrick Owsley
This is the KING LEONARDO piece that I did for the 2006 UNDERDOG DVD set packaging. KING LEONARDO AND HIS SHORT SUBJECTS were one of the TOTAL TELEVISION cartoon segments seen on THE UNDERDOG SHOW. Here's KING LEONARDO's sidekick, ODIE COLOGNE. I also did the ODIE character art for the 2006 UNDERDOG DVD set packaging. Very cool cover art for this 1962 issue of KING LEONARDO AND HIS SHORT SUBJECTS #1 from Gold Key! Click on each image for a larger view!
Back in 1998, I took a Craig Kellman WILMA & FRED FLINTSTONE drawing and gave it some color. I used markers with colored pencils on marker paper, and I liked the way it turned out. Click on the image for a larger view!
Here is one of the many inking jobs that I have done for Warner Bros. Consumer Products. It's a re-creation of an old TWEETY AND SYLVESTER comic book cover. I also did the cover lettering. It was used on the front of a blank greeting card by Hallmark. Click on the image for a larger view!
Love this illustration that was seen in a 1960s GOLD KEY Comics advertisement. It has a great 60s advertising cartoon style! Cool cross-hatched clouds! Click on the image for a larger view!
Here's Hanna-Barbera's YIPPEE, YAPPEE and YAHOOEY (also known as THE GOOFY GUARDS) and their KING! Both pieces are brush, pen & ink with white opaque watercolor on duralene. YIPPEE, YAPPEE and YAHOOEY were seen on THE PETER POTAMUS SHOW. Click on each image for a larger view!
Here's a CAP'S HOBBY HINTS strip that appeared in JIMMY OLSEN #92 (April 1966) by cartoonist HENRY BOLTINOFF. BOLTINOFF created many humor and filler strips that ran in most DC comic books from the 1940s through the 1960s. His brother, MURRAY BOLTINOFF, was an Editor at DC Comics. Along with CAP'S HOBBY HINTS, BOLTINOFF also drew VARSITY VIC, CORA THE CAR HOP, JERRY THE JITTERBUG, CASEY THE COP and many more! BOLTINOFF was 87 when he passed away in 2001. Scroll down to my LINKS section for a HENRY BOLTINOFF link and check out a great gallery of his DC Comics work! Click on the above image for a larger view!
Love this cool BREEZLY AND SNEEZLY cartoon title card image! Thank you to my pal, RICK GOLDSCHMIDT, for sending me a color copy of this title card! BREEZLY AND SNEEZLY were part of THE PETER POTAMUS SHOW...1960s TV cartoon fun from HANNA-BARBERA! Click on the images for larger views!
Check out the new site for THE BANANA SPLITS...click HERE! I do appreciate that they followed the original show closely. The above BANANA SPLITS art was done by cartoonist, STEPHANIE GLADDEN. Nice job, Stephanie! Below, I've posted a classic BANANA SPLITS show line-up. Click on each image for a larger view!
Both of these are from Western Printing and were created for puzzles. Looks like they are both from the early 1970s. Great cartoon paintings of WOODY WOODPECKER (with KNOTHEAD and SPLINTER) and the ROAD RUNNER!
Congratulations goes out to CHICAGO CUBS Pitcher, CARLOS ZAMBRANO! ZAMBRANO pitched a no-hitter tonight against the HOUSTON ASTROS for a 5 - 0 CUBS win. "BIG Z" is the first CUBS Pitcher to pitch a no-hitter since MILT PAPPAS no-hit the SAN DIEGO PADRES on September 2, 1972! The CUBS are now 7 1/2 games ahead of the second-place MILWAUKEE BREWERS. Pictured is the 2008 Topps CARLOS ZAMBRANO baseball card. Click on the card for a larger view. GO CUBS!
I recently added a bunch of links to some great blogs and websites of interest. Scroll down to my LINKS section and take a look! I've got my own personal links to my on-line portfolio and eBay auctions to RANKIN/BASS to DISNEYLAND blogs! The above image of a 1960s SECRET SQUIRREL SLIDING SQUARES PUZZLE is from Jon Knutson's RANDOM ACTS OF GEEKERY blog. Jon's blog is one of the many links found in my LINKS section. Check them out!
Scroll down to my LINKS section and click on the link to my eBay auctions! I'm offering the original character art that I did for the GO-GO GOPHERS DVD insert (shown above) in 2006. Also...check out my auctions for the TENNESSEE TUXEDO (2006 DVD insert) and UNDERDOG original character art (2005 style guide)! Click on the image for a larger view!
From my Hanna-Barbera file, here's a BAMM-BAMM piece that I did back in 2005. I love this 1964 Gold Key one-shot issue of BAMM-BAMM AND PEBBLES FLINTSTONE. I really like the BAMM-BAMM logo that was designed for this cover! Click on both images for larger views!
Here's the DVD insert for Volume 1 of the three-volume set, THE ULTIMATE UNDERDOG COLLECTION. Released last year from Classic Media (separately and in a box set), all three volumes used my UNDERDOG style guide character art on all of the inserts and box. My character art of SWEET POLLY PUREBRED, SIMON BARSINISTER, CAD and RIFF RAFF were also used. I highly recommend THE ULTIMATE UNDERDOG COLLECTION DVD set. Great 1960s TV cartoon fun! 18 complete episodes...digitally remastered! Be sure to check my eBay auctions for the UNDERDOG style guide original art set that I'm currently offering. Scroll down to click on my eBay auctions link in my LINKS section. You can also click on the image of the UNDERDOG DVD insert for a larger view!
It was a Saturday, and millions of kids tuned in to CBS that morning to see this sensational line-up of brand new color cartoons! Inspired by the smash-hit BATMAN TV show, the new line-up was called SUPER HEROES SATURDAYS ON CBS. There was SPACE GHOST and DINO BOY, FRANKENSTEIN JR. and THE IMPOSSIBLES, SUPERMAN with SUPERBOY & KRYPTO and THE LONE RANGER. I hope we see official DVD releases of Hanna-Barbera's FRANKENSTEIN JR. and THE IMPOSSIBLES and Filmation's SUPERBOY. I scanned the above image from the terrific book, HAL LIFSON's 1966. Click on the image for a larger view!
This is an inking sample that I did in hopes of working on SHREK activity and coloring books. Mark Christiansen did the pencil drawing, then I inked Mark's pencil art with brush, pen & ink on duralene. Mark and I created this art sample back in 2003. We were hoping to be named as a creative team on the SHREK books, which were being published by Scholastic Books. I was very happy with the way the piece turned out. Click on the images for larger views!
Here's a few pages from one of my SIMPSONS comic book inking assignments. A big THANK YOU goes out to NATHAN KANE, the Art Director at BONGO COMICS, for the assignment! Click on each image for a larger view!
Here's LIPPY THE LION and HARDY HAR HAR! Just did this for fun. It's brush, pen & ink on duralene with white opaque watercolor and measures 8 1/2" x 11". Click on the image for a larger view!
I received a nice e-mail from cartoonist JOE MESSERLI today. Here's what JOE had to say --
Nice site. For most of the 60s I inked and lettered the FLINTSTONE daily and Sunday strips for Gene Hazelton at Hanna-Barbera on a freelance basis. On Tuesdays, I would go into the H-B Studio; Gene would also go in. We'd go into a little room. I'd deliver finishes, Gene would check them over and give me new pencil drawings (with scripts). Gene always drew the FLINTSTONE DAILIES. Dick Bickenbach penciled the FLINTSTONE Sunday (occasionally Gene did). Harvey Eisenberg penciled the YOGI BEAR daily panel and the Sunday page . . . until he died. Then, Harvey's son Jerry Eisenberg took over. I inked and lettered Yogi for quite a while.
Joe is going to provide me with more information about his work on the FLINTSTONES strips soon. Love your inking and lettering on the strips! Joe is currently living in Connecticut. Great to hear from you, Joe! Click on the FLINTSTONES strip for a larger view!
Pardon the flash reflection on HUCK's tail, but here's some of our favorite HANNA-BARBERA TV friends...HUCKLEBERRY HOUND, YOGI BEAR, QUICK DRAW McGRAW, SNAGGLEPUSS, WALLY GATOR and TOP CAT! I did this 14" x 17" piece with blue colored pencil on black textured paper. Click on the photo for a larger view!
Be sure to visit the "new look" RANKIN/BASS blog! The blog is run by my pal RICK GOLDSCHMIDT, the official Historian of RANKIN/BASS PRODUCTIONS. Rick has changed his page layout, added more color and has a brand-new blog banner that looks great! Besides keeping us up-to-date with all of the latest RANKIN/BASS news and events, Rick also offers his RANKIN/BASS books and many rare RANKIN/BASS DVDs and CDs. Check it out today!
Leslie and I want to wish everyone a happy Labor Day! Here's FRED FLINTSTONE laboring at the Rockhead Quarry Construction Co. This piece was fun to ink for the current FLINTSTONES style guide. Click on the image for a larger view!
Patrick Owsley is available for all of your publishing, advertising and licensing cartoon art needs! He's also available for commissions. E-mail Patrick at powsley@flash.net.
If you enjoy PATRICK OWSLEY CARTOON ART and MORE!, please donate today via Paypal! Thanks!
Send me an e-mail at powsley@flash.net. I create cartoon art for licensing, children's books, advertising, comic books, DVD & video game packaging, logo designs and more. I have worked with Warner Bros. (Looney Tunes), Hanna-Barbera, Rankin-Bass, Classic Media (Underdog, Felix the Cat, Mr. Magoo), Funko, Archie Comics, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Dark Horse Comics, Spumco and more! All characters are copyright by their respective owners.