I saw in the news today that WONDER WOMAN is getting a "bold new look" in WONDER WOMAN #600, which is available today. You can read the article and see the new WONDER WOMAN costume that is, "designed to be taken seriously as a warrior", by clicking here. What an ugly design. The colors look awful, too. I like super heroes that are colorful and fun! How many times have we seen this type of "new and improved" move flop? This is one of the many reasons why I can't stand modern-day "comic books". Publishers think moves like this will improve slumping sales. How about hiring writers who write stories that are actually fun to read and entertaining, and hiring artists who can actually draw characters that have appealing designs? Just like they used to during the 1940s through the 1970s. There are reasons why the popularity of comic book heroes lasted so long during those years...reasons that have been long dismissed by today's publishers.
The top image is the 1960s WONDER WOMAN Aurora model box front...and the bottom image is my 5x7 WONDER WOMAN original art that is based on the original 1973 SUPER FRIENDS design by ALEX TOTH. BOTH represent the WONDER WOMAN that I think most people prefer.
Happy Birthday to my good friend, RICK GOLDSCHMIDT! Here's a photo of Rick and I in front of the GEORGE BARRIS KUSTOM SHOP in North Hollywood, CA. Rick (with his daughter, Sara and son, Josh) visited Southern California earlier this month. Be sure to check out Rick's RANKIN/BASS BLOG!
A few blog readers have asked me about the availability of my 8x10 MARTIN AND LEWIS color cartoon art (shown above). The art is markers, brush & ink on art board, and available for $49.99 with $3 shipping (within the U.S.). E-mail me at powsley@flash.net for details!
For those of us who have JACK IN THE BOX restaurants in our areas...wouldn't it be cool if the restaurants still looked like this? I think this fun, 1960s checkerboard building design would attract more customers! It gives off a feeling of fun.
Here's a few photos from the ANGELS game that Leslie and I went to yesterday. It was a great game with lots of action! The ANGELS beat the COLORADO ROCKIES, 10 - 3.
A beautiful day for baseball! We stopped off at DISNEYLAND for a while after the game.
Today marks the 50th anniversary of RON SANTO's CHICAGO CUBS debut! RON SANTO is one of my all-time favorite CUBS players, and CUBS fans everywhere hope to see him inducted into the MLB Hall of Fame soon. He deserves to be there!
Here's a recent PIXIE & DIXIE commission! The image is based on that of a 1960s PIXIE & DIXIE puzzle. I did this piece for a classic cartoon lovin' firefighter! E-mail your commission requests to me at powsley@flash.net.
Here's a few more of the character art inkings I did for the TOM AND JERRY VINTAGE style guide. Click on them for larger views.
I love these 1960s TOM AND JERRY Gold Key comic book covers! Beautifully laid-out and designed...something you don't see much of on any modern-day comic book cover, cereal box, movie poster, etc.
Above is a HOPPITY HOOPER cartoon painting that I did not long ago...and below is the 1966 HOPPITY HOOPER vs. SKIPPITY SNOOPER Tell-a-Tale book cover. HOPPITY HOOPER is one of my favorite JAY WARD characters!
Not only do I create cartoon art, but I also enjoy doing portraits. Friends, family...even pets! Above are my in-law's dogs, WRIGLEY & BELLA, created with brush, pen & ink on duralene. Below are my maternal grandparents, LOLA & WILLIAM STANLEY...created with graphite on art board. You can see more of my portrait samples at OWSLEY PORTRAIT ART! E-mail me at powsley@flash.net.
Too bad for us that modern-day super hero comic books don't feature characters that look like this anymore (and haven't for many years now). It's THE INCREDIBLE HULK in a JACK KIRBY-style, by BRUCE TIMM.
Here's the cover to one of the 1965 CAP'N CRUNCH COMICS! You can see the entire comic at COMICRAZYS! I love the art in this comic! It was done by the JAY WARD Studio.
Just reminding everyone that I'm still offering the 11x14 HANNA-BARBERA TV PALS black and white original art (shown above) for $74.99 plus $5 shipping within the U.S. The original art is brush, pen & ink on art board. If you'd like, I will do aCOLOR re-creation of this 11x14 piece for $99.99 with $5 U.S. shipping, as well. I'll add the color with vibrant COPIC markers! E-mail me at powsley@flash.net for details!
Saw this on-line...it's a crochet pattern for a large ELMER FUDD afghan. They used the detail of one of my ELMER FUDD LOONEY TUNES Licensing inkings on the pattern. Looks good!
Here's the DVD insert featuring my art for Volume 1 of CLUTCH CARGO - Creepy Cartoons! I did this for East West DVD of North Hollywood, CA. Thanks to Art Director Steve Banes for the work!
I'm offering very special prices on my 18x24 HANNA-BARBERA TV STARS color original art and its 14x17 color re-creation!The 18x24 piece (pictured above) is now only $199.99 with $10 First Class mail shipping & handling...and the 14x17 color re-creation is now only $149.99 with $5 First Class mail shipping & handling! Both vibrant, colorful pieces are markers, brush, pen & ink on art board. Pay safely and securely with PayPal. E-mail me at powsley@flash.net for details!
Check out my eBay original cartoon art listings with "priced-to-own" BUY IT NOW prices...or send me your BEST OFFER on some of my items!Just clickHEREto see my listings! Some items include FREE shipping within the U.S.! E-mail me at powsley@flash.net.
Nice to see that CLASSIC MEDIA used a couple pieces of my licensing art to decorate their booth at previous Licensing shows. That's my UNDERDOG art on the booth's lower right front wall...and my BULLWINKLE art on the booth's back wall. This week's 2010 LICENSING INTERNATIONAL EXPO was at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, NV. I hope it was a big success for all attendees and exhibitors! I'm always available for your licensing art needs!
Here I go again!...I'm offering this SPECIAL OFFER for my 14x17 HANNA-BARBERA TV STARS color original art for ONLY $149.99! FREE shipping within the U.S., as well! This vibrant, colorful original art was created with markers, brush, pen & ink on 14x17 art board. Pay safely and securely through PayPal. E-mail me at powsley@flash.net for details!
Patrick Owsley is available for all of your publishing, advertising and licensing cartoon art needs! He's also available for commissions. E-mail Patrick at powsley@flash.net.
If you enjoy PATRICK OWSLEY CARTOON ART and MORE!, please donate today via Paypal! Thanks!
Send me an e-mail at powsley@flash.net. I create cartoon art for licensing, children's books, advertising, comic books, DVD & video game packaging, logo designs and more. I have worked with Warner Bros. (Looney Tunes), Hanna-Barbera, Rankin-Bass, Classic Media (Underdog, Felix the Cat, Mr. Magoo), Funko, Archie Comics, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Dark Horse Comics, Spumco and more! All characters are copyright by their respective owners.